Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2 pounds!

So the working out and watching what I eat (no snacking, no eating after 8 p.m.) has started to show. I'm down 2 pounds since Sunday! Yeah! I like that kind of improvement. And I haven't had a soda in a week and a half. That is amazing, cause I loves me some Diet Dr. Pepper.

Today was Costco day at my house. I was going to buy Turbo Tax because there was a coupon for it, but I forgot. And I gave them my coupon with all the other coupons I used today. Good thing all the coupons have the same bar code on them so I will go back and buy something else with a coupon and get Turbo Tax and the coupon should still come off.

Just a warning to any kids out there, don't fall asleep in class. My 13-year old fell asleep in his English class and woke up with his name and a bar code on the back of his hand. I thought it was pretty funny and I couldn't get too mad because I used to fall asleep in English when I was a junior in high school.


  1. Woo Hoo! 2 pounds is awesome! My thyroid is freaking out right now, so weight loss is not happening, but I'm trying to find the motivation to still watch what I eat and work out so I don't explode...,anyway, awesome job!

  2. That is so great! What is this workout program you are doing? I have been slacking on my exercise and need to get my butt back into shape. I would really like to know some details.
