Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mystery Package

So I have a Facebook account. I've had it for a while now and I love to be able to keep in touch with people I don't get to see a lot. Like friends from high school and relatives that live far away. I have an aunt who lives in Alaska. She's one of my most favorite people. She posted a status on Facebook that the first 5 people that commented would receive something handmade from her. Then those people were supposed to post this as their status and do the same.

Yesterday, this box came in the mail for me. I hadn't ordered anything (besides checks, which were in another package) and I didn't recognize the handwriting at first. Then I remembered that she said she was going to send the handmade items to those people who commented. I couldn't get the package open fast enough. If you knew my aunt, you would understand why I was so excited. She is an excellent knitter and she quilts like a pro. I couldn't wait to see what she had sent me. Here is what I found in my box.

Mystery package? Whose handwriting is that?

At first, I didn't notice that it had come to me all the way from Soldotna, AK. That would have been a dead giveaway as to who it was from.

Oh, what did I get? What did I get?

So much fun stuff in one box. A couple of dishcloths. I LOVE these things. They wash SO good! A pair of hand-knit socks. I can't wait to try them out. And some homemade Pumpkin Spice cookies, which I have found out today are so good they are evil. I will either need to hide them from myself or make the boys eat them all when they get home from school before I can eat anymore.

I love my Aunt Donna and I am so thankful she took the time to send me such a thoughtful gift. Thank you Aunt Donna!

1 comment:

  1. so glad to hear that you love me and that you received the package I sent and that you loved it!!! (such a run-on sentence!) thank you for the posting and I am glad that in came. love the pictures!! love you, me
