I've decided to start a blog about my experiences and adventures as a mom of 4 energetic, smart, precocious boys and wife to an amazing husband.
Today, we started a new time at church. 9 a.m. seems early and it is when your 3-year old won't go to sleep the night before. But, I love this time. All I have to do in the morning is get myself up and ready and the boys up and ready (with assistance from the husband). There is no trying to keep 4 boys occupied for 4-5 hours in the morning with Sunday-appropriate activities. Plus, there is always to added benefit of a nap in the afternoon. There are also activities that I like to do that I am able to do on Sunday afternoons. I love making jewelry. Namely bracelets and necklaces. I made the ones in the above pictures yesterday to wear to church today.
Tomorrow is laundry day at my house. I sort all of our laundry on Sunday night, then I can put a load in the washer if there is something specific that needs to be washed for Monday morning i.e. school clothes.
I'm hoping that as I post to this blog, followers will find something they can use. I would love to post recipes that I like and information that I've found that I think is fun and useful.
I need to do laundry at my house as well...can I bring mine over?