Well, today started out great. I was able to workout this morning and I had one of my favorite breakfasts (a tasty open-faced breakfast sandwich). I cleaned out my linen closet in the hall yesterday and I thought today I could go and look for some cute baskets to put in the closet to put hand towels and washcloths in.
Cohen and I were driving up 6000 West and were stopping for the red light at 4100 South. The light turned green and we proceeded out into the intersection to make a left-hand turn. Unfortunately, a maroon full-sized Ford Econoline van going west on 4100 South failed to stop at his red light and t-boned the Caravan. It flipped us around almost 360 degrees and scared the crap out of me and Cohen. He started crying and all I could do was sit there until the police and ambulance arrived. As soon as the ambulance and firetruck showed up, Cohen was fine. He loves stuff like that. They showed up really fast. I figure it happened about 10:55 a.m. and we were in the ambulance driving to the hospital at 11:15 a.m. I called Gary and made one of those phone calls you hate to get. "Hi, honey. I've been in an accident." He was very calm on the phone. Then I had to crawl across the passenger seat and out the passenger side door. They took me to the hospital and Gary showed up about 5 minutes after us. They put a neck brace on me and then took me to get x-rays. My neck hurt where the seat belt had been and my left side was tender and sore. 10 x-rays later, they determined nothing was broken and everything was fine. Just bruised and strained. I have 3 different kinds of medicine. Naproxen for inflammation, Lortab for pain, and a muscle relaxer to relax my muscles.
I'm still pretty sore and I figure tomorrow will be worse but nobody was seriously hurt and we are both fine. Cohen doesn't have a scratch on him. I am so grateful for an awesome car that took the majority of the impact and for a Heavenly Father that protected us from anything really bad happening.
Here are some pictures that Gary took of the van after the accident.
Cohen and I were driving up 6000 West and were stopping for the red light at 4100 South. The light turned green and we proceeded out into the intersection to make a left-hand turn. Unfortunately, a maroon full-sized Ford Econoline van going west on 4100 South failed to stop at his red light and t-boned the Caravan. It flipped us around almost 360 degrees and scared the crap out of me and Cohen. He started crying and all I could do was sit there until the police and ambulance arrived. As soon as the ambulance and firetruck showed up, Cohen was fine. He loves stuff like that. They showed up really fast. I figure it happened about 10:55 a.m. and we were in the ambulance driving to the hospital at 11:15 a.m. I called Gary and made one of those phone calls you hate to get. "Hi, honey. I've been in an accident." He was very calm on the phone. Then I had to crawl across the passenger seat and out the passenger side door. They took me to the hospital and Gary showed up about 5 minutes after us. They put a neck brace on me and then took me to get x-rays. My neck hurt where the seat belt had been and my left side was tender and sore. 10 x-rays later, they determined nothing was broken and everything was fine. Just bruised and strained. I have 3 different kinds of medicine. Naproxen for inflammation, Lortab for pain, and a muscle relaxer to relax my muscles.
I'm still pretty sore and I figure tomorrow will be worse but nobody was seriously hurt and we are both fine. Cohen doesn't have a scratch on him. I am so grateful for an awesome car that took the majority of the impact and for a Heavenly Father that protected us from anything really bad happening.
Here are some pictures that Gary took of the van after the accident.